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New: Share your favourites

We've been busy working on updates and features to Marmoset over the last few months and we're happy to announce yet another brilliant addition to the app! We are now giving you the ability to save and share favourited content such as properties, buildings and home styles, allowing you and your clients to share personalised lists and view them at a later date from any location.

This handy new feature allows prospective buyers to visit your marketing suite and leave with their personal favourites sent straight to their email address to access and peruse whenever they want to as well as sharing with friends and family members. It also gives sales agents and buyers the opportunity to compile lists of suitable properties prior to meeting and allows the process of selling and discussing properties to continue smoothly without meeting in-person.

The nature of our progressive web app (PWA) means that our web-friendly share links can be viewed on any device and the app can be downloaded onto phones, tablets and computers for quick access and a native viewing experience as well as viewing on-the-go in web browsers.

Request a demo

If you’re interested in how Marmoset could work for your development, get in touch today for a free no obligation demo at: 
01206 489 630

Post by Will